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2030 年への航海: 洋上風力発電容量 10 GW を目指す日本の旅

[インパクトウェビナー] 浮遊風を解き放つ - 日本とアジアにとって大きなチャンス

On September 19, we successfully hosted an engaging webinar on Japan's floating offshore wind market and its global cooperation opportunities. Industry leaders from Japan, the United States, Scotland, and France shared their latest developments and strategic visions. The event aimed to explore the prospects of floating offshore wind technology in Japan, foster international collaboration, and promote the global energy transition.


15:00 - 15:20 | [基調講演] 日本の浮体式洋上風力発電の加速における FLOWRA の役割

浮体式洋上風力発電技術研究組合 (FLOWRA) 事務局長、高 清彦氏

15:20 - 15:40 | [基調講演] 日米パートナーシップ: 浮体式洋上風力発電のコスト削減

米国エネルギー省 (DOE) 上級代表

海洋エネルギー管理局 (BOEM) 上級代表

15:40 - 16:00 | [基調講演] スコットランドの洋上風力発電戦略ビジョン: 持続可能な成長に向けたグローバル パートナーシップの活用

スコットランド再生可能エネルギー公社 オフショア担当ディレクター、コリン パーマー氏

16:00 - 16:20 | [基調講演] 日本の浮体式洋上風力発電市場: フランスの関与の機会

アーサー・カルヴァ、駐日フランス大使館 持続可能な開発アドバイザー

RES シニア代表

Insights Brought to You by:

Kiyohiko Ko

Secretary General



Floating Offshore Wind Technology Research Association (FLOWRA)

Timothy McCune

Director, Office of Strategic Policy & International Affairs


Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)

Raphaël Keller

French Minister-counsellor for Economic Affairs & Head of the Regional Economic Department Japan-Korea


French Embassy in Japan

Isaac Ward-Fineman

Offshore Wind Supply Chain Lead, Wind Energy Technologies Office


U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Colin Palmer

Director of Offshore


Scottish Renewables

Key Takeaways:

1. Floating Offshore Wind: A Key Driver for Japan's Energy Security and Carbon Neutrality

Floating offshore wind is essential for Japan's energy security and carbon neutrality goals. FLOWRA, a newly established non-profit organization modeled after European Joint Industry Projects (JIPs), is dedicated to advancing the commercialization and technological development of floating wind power. Japan aims for large-scale commercial operations by the 2030s, setting an ambitious installation target of 30-45 GW by 2040. To overcome challenges in domestic supply chains and port infrastructure, FLOWRA is focused on accelerating digital standards and fostering technological innovation through strategic international partnerships, particularly with the U.S. and Europe, to mitigate risks and reduce costs.

2. U.S.-Japan Collaboration to Propel Floating Offshore Wind Forward

There are significant opportunities in floating offshore wind to meet energy transition objectives in both the U.S. and Japan. The "Floating Offshore Wind Initiative" seeks to achieve a 70% cost reduction by 2035 through collaborative efforts among multiple agencies. This initiative prioritizes cost efficiency, domestic supply chain enhancement, equitable deployment, and innovation, while also creating synergies with other energy systems such as hydrogen production and energy storage. Effective cooperation between the U.S. and Japan is critical, particularly as the U.S. has set offshore wind targets of 30 GW by 2030 and 15 GW of floating wind by 2035. BOEM, as the primary regulatory authority, plays a pivotal role in planning and authorizing offshore wind projects, while also working with Japan to streamline permitting processes and facilitate comprehensive environmental reviews.

3. Scotland's Expertise: Supporting Japan's Floating Offshore Wind Aspirations

Scotland is positioning itself as a global leader in the floating offshore wind sector, with ambitious plans to develop offshore wind capacity, predominantly through floating wind projects. By leveraging its extensive experience in marine oil and gas and fostering international partnerships, Scotland is rapidly transitioning into this new sector. The region is proactively addressing challenges related to supply chain expansion, port infrastructure, and technological innovation through updates to its Marine Planning Framework, which will streamline project permitting and support future developments.

4. France's Strategic Entry: Tapping into Japan's Floating Offshore Wind Market for Growth

French companies are presented with substantial opportunities in Japan's floating offshore wind market, particularly in the areas of innovation and project management. France's experience with initiatives like Provence Grand Large has established a strong foundation for engagement in the Japanese market. Additionally, the policy support from the French government and the EU—such as simplified permitting processes and enhanced funding mechanisms—will facilitate the entry of more companies into the Japanese market and foster bilateral cooperation in wind power and hydrogen energy sectors.


Kayla Shi


Leader Associates

プレゼンテーション スライドのダウンロード



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